Skill Levels
Laserforce encourages players to hone their skills by rewarding them with powerful new abilities, vibrant light colours and distinctly different shot sounds. To unlock these special features players must achieve two requirements – complete a certain number of standard missions and get their average score above a certain level. Once players meet these requirements they will automatically be promoted to the next skill level. Each skill level has its own light colour for example a level 3 Trooper is recognised by wearing a yellow battlesuit, however these light colours are only displayed in individual missions.
Below are the requirements for each skill level and the colour battlesuit each skill level denotes.
Special Abilities
Players unlock a new special ability once they meet the requirements to progress to the next skill level. Each skill level also has it’s own battlesuit light colour and distinct shot sound. Special abilities are cumulative, for example a level 3 Trooper can use rapid fire, invulnerability and payback. Use all the special abilities at your disposal to annihilate your opponents and score maximum points.
Below are the special abilities acquired at each skill level